Still standing, 48 hours later

This morning I was very pleased to find the car had only fallen an inch or two in the front after sitting for two days.  This is very promising for the air suspension, especially since it was only filled with a small compressor.

I ran out to the home disappointment and picked up a portable compressor capable of 175psi.  Since I’ll be doing quite a bit of work to the car before I have the engine running, I wanted to have a appropriate tool to keep the car level while I work.

I connected the new compressor and the car raised up to a normal height.  I had the air suspension lever inside the car set to the locking position, so I decided to see what would happen if switched to the “high” setting.  The car immediately rose even higher!  So far, I’m quite happy with this car.

3 thoughts on “Still standing, 48 hours later”

  1. Don’t sweat the air bags, Jaime. I did the back ones on my 1962 300SE and they weren’t bad at all. I soaked everything for a day or two and all the fasteners came right off. They are amazingly simple to replace. Once the bags are right it will stay up for a long time.

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